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10 Different Types Of Martial Arts That You Should Know About

10 Different Types Of Martial Arts That You Should Know About

Martial arts have been practiced by people for the past many years. There are different types of martial arts and trust us, they didn’t just originate in a day. Some of the types are new while MMA Vaughan have been practiced for a very long time.

Did you know that martial arts are not only for defending yourself from enemies but also for boosting your inner peace and improving your physical and mental strength? That’s right, martial arts is not just a hobby or a full-body workout routine but is a lifestyle.

Are you passionate about learning a martial art? If yes, then the first step you ought to take is to educate yourself about the different types of martial arts. All types of martial art have different fighting styles and techniques.

Different Type Of Martial Arts

In this article, we’ve compiled a list of 10 different types of martial arts. So, it is highly recommended that you continue to read until the end to get the most out of it.

1: Kung Fu

This type of kung Fu was designed to purify the body and the mind. There are further styles and variations in Kung Fu and everyone differs in their fighting style and techniques. Kung Fu also includes the use of weapons.

2: Taekwondo

Tae Kwon Do is considered to be the most systematic type of martial arts. The roots of Tae Kwon do traces back to 600 AD, however, the modern Tae Kwon Do began in the early 1940s. The techniques used in this type of martial art are less threatening but lethal at the same time.

3: Judo

Judo is a dynamic and tremendous combat sport. It requires physical prowess and a lot of mental discipline as compared to other types of martial arts. Judo devices are from traditional jiu-jitsu as it specializes in chokes, joint locks, and submission.

4: Aikido

If you are looking for a non-aggressive modern form of martial arts, then Aikido is your best bet. This type focuses on neutralizing the combat situation. No harm to the body of the practitioner or the opponent is caused.

5: Karate

Karate is ranked among the top types of martial arts that focuses on self-defense and unarmed combat system. In order to defeat your opponent, the practitioner will use punches, kicks, or a combination of both. You will also learn how to use swords and staff.

6: Jeet Kune Do

When you combine street combat with martial art, you get Jeet Kune Do. Jeet Kune Do was popularized by Bruce Lee back in 1969. That’s right, Bruce Lee was the person who developed this fighting style.

7: Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a kind of martial arts or self-defense system that uses grappling, pinning, and other submission methods to defeat an adversary. You will be using the weight and size of your opponent against them in BJJ.

8: Kendo

The martial art of kendo instructs students in the usage of the katana. A Japanese weapon primarily utilized in battle is the katana. You’ll discover several ranges and sequences for using the katana.

9: Krav Maga

Krav Maga prepares its practitioners for a variety of hazardous circumstances, including those involving the ground, multiple attackers, knife threats, and more. Additionally, it incorporates several Judo, Wrestling, and Boxing techniques. In Krav Maga, additional street combat concepts are taught.

10: Muay Thai

Muay Thai is a type of martial art that is based on strikes. It is the art of using eight limbs such as punches, kicks, elbows, and knees. Trust us, among all the different types of martial art; Muay thai is one of the most powerful styles of stand-up striking.

Final Thoughts

These are the most popular types of martial arts that have gained a lot of popularity around the world in the past couple of years. Just make sure that you’re joining a good school for your training.

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