How To Maintain Swimming Goggles
3 mins read

How To Maintain Swimming Goggles

Swimming Goggles are an essential part of swimming gears as it gives you clear vision underwater and protects your eyes from chlorinated water. When you first buy the swimming goggles, the vision is clear, and it will fit you very well, but with time it can be affected by the chlorine water.

It’s important to take care of swimming goggles regularly to prolong its life and condition. If you don’t maintain the swimming goggles, the scratches can ruin the visibility.

Maintaining goggles won’t take much time and effort, here are some tips for cleaning swimming goggles on the pool and off the pool:

In The Pool

Swimming goggles have an anti-fogging coating inside the lens. Swimmers often rub the lens with towel or hand to prevent fogging but lens but unfortunately this way they damage the anti-fogging coat and scratches the lens. After a few uses, the coating rubs off but instead of wiping it, use anti-fog spray or de-fogging solutions before you dive into the pool.

Swimming Goggles

After Swimming

What most people do is they come out of the pool and pack their bags and leave for home. Doing this will ruin your swimming goggles. You must rinse the goggles with cold water immediately after you come out of the pool to wash off the chlorine and pool chemicals. Another mistake that swimmers do is drying their goggles in the sunlight along with the swimsuit, this may cause the lens to crack and rubbers to melt.

For your Next Swim

Before packing your swimming goggles for next swim, make sure it is completely dry as the water residue might cause the bacteria and molds to grow, which will ultimately damage the goggles. Store your glasses in a protective case that prevents your goggles from exposing to outside elements and getting scratched.

Quick Cleaning Tips

Here are the quick tips for maintaining your swimming goggles to make it last longer:

Swimming Goggles

  • Rinse your swimming goggles with cold water as soon as you come out of the pool.
  • You can apply a lotion-free dishwashing liquid or baby shampoo in each lens and wash it.
  • If the basic rinsing doesn’t remove the dirt, you can dip the goggles in the vinegar solution for 2 hours and rinse it thoroughly.
  • Gently shake the glasses to remove the access water.
  • Don’t dry the goggles in direct sunlight; let your goggle to air dry.
  • Make sure you don’t pack your goggles without drying it properly.
  • To dry the goggles, lay them in flat in a dry place.
  • Use case when you put your goggles in the bag.
  • Use anti-fogging spray rather than towel or fingers to avoid fogging.
  • If you don’t have anti-fogging spray, hair spray works.

About the author

Christian Taylor, is a sports freak and because of his passion for sports, he also serves as a communication assistant at Engine Swim – leading performance and competitive swimwear manufacturer in Australia.