5-A-Side Football Tips
3 mins read

5-A-Side Football Tips

So, you fancy yourself as the next Renaldo? Well, perhaps that’s a bit ambitious, but if you are trying to top the league for 5-a-side then these helpful tips may help you to lift the trophy!

The Basic tactics

If you get the basics right, you are onto a winner! Obviously, most will apply to all forms of the game, but because the pitch is a lot smaller with boards down the sides, along with restricted time and space, your options become somewhat limited! So, at first you may want to run out all guns blazing, but the best way to come out on top is to rethink your strategy slightly and train these aspects of the game.

  • Heads up- Keep your eyes on your teammates (just as you would in conventional football), but with the advantage of having a much smaller team, so this tactic plays into your hands rather well!
  • Fast pace- A good 5-a-side team will close in on you fast and then take the ball at the first opportunity. Everything is fast-paced, so you have to think sharp and move fast. There really is no time at all for hesitation, know where your teammates are, and know where to pass sharply. A good team will master the art of this pretty quick.
  • Happy feet- Sharpen up those passing skills. Like with any game of footie, you need to be quick and precise when it comes to passing. The only difference with 5-a-side is the amount of power you put behind the ball, the pitch is a lot smaller, and therefore, you may not need to use your infamous Beckham Boot.
  • First Touch- Getting a good first touch is essential in any game, but on the Astro pitch, it can be somewhat intense, to say the least. You know what they say, “practice makes perfect,” and that’s all there is to it I’m afraid. Get your training into action before you go and play any significant game or tournament.

Team organisation is essential

There is no point in everyone picking the position they want to play just because they “like it” it has to be well more structured than that. If your team gets plenty of training, I’m sure by now you will have some idea who’s good at what? Put your best players in their rightful positions to get the best possible result from your game. Place the best goal scorer as Striker, the best passer in midfield and the best tackler as defence and urge the team to keep up the pace, its teamwork that leads to success.


Aside from all of the nitty-gritty and rules of the game, remember playing 5-a-side football is really fun! Encourage the team to keep it fun and light-hearted. Yes, it will no doubt be very competitive but just as long as we don’t let this get the better of us, stay in control and enjoy!